It’s funny how much can change in 1 year. In 2023, I spent my 29th birthday on a solo trip abroad in Vienna with a heart break. But in 2024, I happily spent my 30th birthday with my boyfriend in Hong Kong 🙂

I always thought by the time I hit my 30s, I’d feel more settled and content with life. Instead, I’m hit with this wave of anxiety and honestly feel even more lost than I did in my 20s. I guess I saw my 20s as a time to discover myself and try different things, and feeling lost was part of that process. I was really hoping that by my 30s, I’d finally figure shit out and know how to adult for real.

In the most cliché way, life is not a race and it’s about the journey. You just have to keep going even when things are tough or unclear. Everything is figureoutable.

PS: I decided it’s time to revive this dead blog with a fresh look and posting again.

11th November 2024, Hong Kong